Saturday, March 29, 2014

Introducing Ourselves - Part 1

Hello everybody!

From now on, we'll be using this blog to submit your exercises and writings, as well as to share your creations!

For next week, I would like you to introduce yourself in a blog entry, so that it looks like something similar to this:

It doesn't need to be too long, but I would like you to add a picture of either yourself or a fictional character that represents you. You can even pretend you are someone else (like a celebrity, or a friend of yours.).

Remember to mention:
  • Your name (My name is...)
  • Your age (I am ... years old)
  • Your nationality/ origin (I'm from...)
  • Your hobbies (In my free time, I ... / I enjoy... / I like, hate, love ...) You can check the sheet I gave you the other day for more expressions of like and dislike, and also refered to free time and hobbies.
  • Where you live (I live in...)
  • Your personality (I am...)
  • What you work as (I work as a/ an..., I am (a/an)...)
  • OPTIONAL: Your physical details (I look like... / I have.../ I am...) For instance: I am very tall and fat. I have brown hair and blue eyes.

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